This website and the information below is a placeholder as the project is in development.

The Evidence Support Initiative pairs science researchers with their local councils, providing on-demand advice on scientific issues to fit the needs of councillors, and passing on the skills to find and use scientific information.
Researchers learn how local Government works, use their skills to support evidence-based decision-making, and become more connected with their local communities.

The Evidence Support Initiative has been co-developed by a group of cross-party council representatives and career-stage academics throughout the UK, led by non-profit organisation Then Try This, in collaboration with Dr. Jo Garrett at the European Centre for Environment and Human Health, and Dr. Vivek Nityananda at Newcastle University, funded by Civic Square and the Natural Environment Research Council.

CASE STUDY: Councillor Christine Leiser, Mevagissey Parish Council and Dr. Julian Donald, research fellow at the University of ExeterMevagissey Parish Council Climate Action Group wanted to explore what scope there was for community energy schemes. As part of the Evidence Support Initiative, the researcher gathered information from the academic literature, sourced policy documents, and found local examples of similar schemes. By inviting local experts in renewable energy to one of their weekly catch ups, they were eventually able to secure funding to commission a feasibility study from a local renewable energy consultancy which is due to take place in spring of 2022.
Information for Researchers
The placements provide researchers with experience working directly with policy makers. You'll learn how local Government works, and help councils access the scientific information they need to make evidence-based policies on environmental and climate issues.You don't need to have any prior experience in this area, and you can come from any science/social science discipline. Anyone from PhD student to Professor is eligible. Once you have signed up, we will look for a council in your local area to host your placement.The typical time spent working together is 1-2 days per month, for 6-12 months, and funding is available to support your placement. The placements provide valuable public engagement and research impact experience.This scheme is not currently open, get in touch below to keep informed
Information for Councils
The placements provide councils with free expert support for climate and environmental issues, to help with confident evidence-based decision making.You can apply as an individual councillor, clerk (or equivalent), a group of councillors, or as a full council, and all types of council are eligible. Once you have signed up, we will look for a university-based science researcher in your local area to take part in a placement with you.The typical time spent working together is 1-2 days per month, for 6-12 months, and you choose what you work on together so that it fits your needs.This scheme is not currently open, get in touch below to keep informed
If you'd like to be kept informed about the progress of this project, or want to know more, get in touch using the form below.